I started officially back at school today. Meetings and prep all this week, first day with kids next Monday. So as I transition fully into teacher mode, I think this is as good a time as any to reflect on what my goals are for this coming school year. At first glance I don’t have any huge mountains to climb this year: I finished my thesis, my Master’s degree is complete, I don’t have any big conference performances I’m preparing a group for this year, etc. But I want (and need) to have a direction, things to work on to help me be a better teacher and make this year better than the previous year. I want to be able to tweak my instruction and my approach to how I do things so that I can avoid stagnating as a teacher. “Just make sure everything is as good as last year” is not much of a hill to climb, after all. As the summer progressed and I read, reflected, listened to podcasts, and wrote, I identified three overarching goals that I would like to focus on this year. I wanted the...
I am a high school choir teacher teaching at one of the most diverse high schools in my state. I am in my fourteenth year of public school education, and I taught middle school choir for the first twelve. My program's mantra is "Embrace the Struggle," and that mantra continues to take on new significance in a time of great turmoil and upheaval.