10 Things I Love About Middle School Choir Part 7: Middle School Kids Will Rise or Fall to Your Expectations
Part 7: Middle School Kids Will Rise or Fall to Your Expectations The thing I most hated hearing during my twelve years of middle school teaching was any variation on the phrase "they sounded so great... for middle schoolers ," or "that was so good... for a middle school performance." I know parents and audience members don't mean it to be, but I found it insulting, and I actively worked to make my groups and my performances so good that people wouldn't even think about saying it. I would even tell my kids that was our goal. A lot of people out there just don't expect middle school-aged students to be able to do much of anything, especially where the performing arts are concerned. I wanted to produce quality that would cause my audience members to appreciate our performances on their own merit, that would overcome the inherent biases and low expectations that people far too often possess when it comes to middle school performers. And then there...