A truly remarkable woman left this earth two days ago, unexpectedly and far too soon. She was my incredible principal, a pillar of our Overland-Prairie community, a mother of three children, a wife, a fierce advocate of education, a singer, and a Servant of God. I have been struggling with the shock and the pain since I heard the news, grasping and failing to make sense of this. This year has already been hard enough, our community has already absorbed too much heartbreak, without losing Aleshia. Our Leader and our Light is just gone, with no warning. Just here one day and the next day...not. This wasn't supposed to happen. I think it's human nature to view losing someone through the lens of how it affects you personally. It's not a particularly noble thing to admit, but we can't help it. As I write about her, my mind keeps coming back to Aleshia Armour the principal. As many people far more qualified than I could speak to, she was also so much more than that, but s...
I am a high school choir teacher teaching at one of the most diverse high schools in my state. I am in my fourteenth year of public school education, and I taught middle school choir for the first twelve. My program's mantra is "Embrace the Struggle," and that mantra continues to take on new significance in a time of great turmoil and upheaval.